Voice quiver meaning
Voice quiver meaning

voice quiver meaning

‘Her voice quavers at the memories from inside but you get the sense she is far from beaten.’.‘And McManus' voice, quavering, stretching and choking its way around the tunes, makes sure it always sounds very human.’.‘To hear King - the real King - speak in that strange, quavering but powerful voice: ‘I had a dream’, you can hear and feel where the man got his traction.’.‘His voice noticeably quavered as he recalled one of the most important moments in his career.’.‘But her voice never even quavered, and that made me think she might actually make a decent public defender.’.‘Although the friendly Dominicans spoke courteously to one another while discussing the weather, their faces were strained and their voices quavered upon mention of the name Georges.’.‘‘Sir,’ his voice quavered as he spoke, ‘they always look hungry to me.’’.‘It might have just been the connection, but he thought he heard her voice quavering.’.‘My brother's voice was quavering on the other end of the line.’.

voice quiver meaning

‘At least my voice wasn't quavering with every syllable.’.‘Nervous in the extreme, his voice quavered as he gave commands to his pupil, often so haltingly that he seemed nearly on the verge of choking.’.‘He was breathy, his voice quavered, he stumbled over words, he was stilted and uncomfortable.’.‘He came out, bowed down with sorrow, to settle on a bench, his voice quavering with a barely audible Yiddish lament.’.‘‘But in the photo I saw in the paper later, he was standing in the very front,’ she said, her voice quavering.’.‘‘I couldn't stop in time,’ he explained, voice quavering.’.‘His voice quavering, the senator added, ‘I'm also sorry if anything I said in any way cast a negative light on our fine men and women in the military.’’.‘Monty spins to attention, his head raised with great offense, his voice quavering with emotion - ‘Why did you say that?’’.

voice quiver meaning

  • ‘‘I'm not safe here, am I?’ she said in a quavering voice’.

  • Voice quiver meaning